Are we Doing Enough to Battle Stress?

Published on 07/05/2019

Battling stress

We all know that stress is bad. We all know that it can negatively effect our mental health, it can cause all manner of unwelcome and serious health concerns if left unchecked, and it makes life considerably less fun than it’s supposed to be.

Stress is no joke, and stress is not something anyone should feel they need to cope with. Whether you sit at a CEO office desk making make or break decisions or not, stress is real for all. 

Employers have a responsibility to ensure that employees are supported throughout their time at work, and whether that includes teaching stress management techniques or simply have an open door policy for staff to talk whenever they need to, it’s important to address the S word head on. 

Are we doing enough?

Check out this infographic by Virgin, which shows that 51% of UK workers surveyed have experienced anxiety or burnout as a result of work. 

Infographic explaining how stressed uk employees are


What else can we do? Open air offices are popping up around the country, and the are fantastic for general health and wellbeing, whilst also being a great stress reducer. Spending more time within nature and in the fresh air is ideal for relaxation.
Aside from that, here are a few other ideas. 

  • Offer stress management training and techniques
  • Have a relaxed working system which allows staff to take a break when they feel overwhelmed
  • Incorporate breakout furniture into areas where time outs can be taken
  • Encourage team working, so nobody feels responsibility is all on their shoulders
  • Have an open door policy which encourages staff to talk
  • Encourage health and wellness
  • Provide confidential counselling services for staff
  • Avoid putting undue pressure on staff with unrealistic targets and deadlines

Whether you sit at an executive office desk, you work from home, you work remotely, or you move from desk to desk, stress can affect everyone at all levels. Being more stress aware is the very tip of the iceberg. 

How do you manage stress?


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