Let's Discuss: Can You Really do Yoga at Your Desk?

Published on 07/11/2018

Sitting still for too long can be very damaging for your back, shoulders, neck, and for your general health overall. Of course, you can’t get up and jog around the office, so how are you supposed to get exercise? How about yoga at your desk?

Check out the following video we recently came across and see how easy it can be.


What did you think? Do you think you could easily incorporate these exercises into your day? The great thing is that you could do many of these exercises without anyone really knowing what you’re doing! Or, if you want to enlist the help of your colleagues, you could have a yoga break, and all practice these useful stretches! Sitting correctly at office desks for a long period of time is vital, but even then you need to move and stretch to keep your body supple and healthy. Yoga has so many health benefits overall and you don’t have to get your mat out to obtain them for yourself!

Many of the exercises in this video can be done at any type of desk, adjustable, or glass desks, whatever you have available. The other plus point is that you’ll surely feel energised afterwards. If you’re currently considering changing up the types of desks you have in your office, check out office furniture London choices online to help you in that regard.

Put simply, if you combine comfortable office furniture with a little yoga, you’re avoiding many of the health issues which come with office jobs. Do you also feel the same way as us about desk yoga? Please share your thoughts in the commentary box below.


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