How Should You Handle a Wet Floor in The Workplace?

Published on 17/10/2019


We’ve all been there, it’s raining outside and you notice the floor in the reception area is a little wet. You know to take caution when walking over it, but what if someone doesn’t notice?

Wet floors are a huge risk factor and one of the biggest reasons for slips and falls. The day doesn’t necessarily have to be rainy, it can simply be that someone has dripped a little water on the floor from their drink whilst walking through. How you handle it however is vital. This all comes down to basic health and safety in the workplace

This might sound like a trivial subject, but if someone was to slip and hurt themselves badly whilst walking towards the reception seating perhaps, the company could be liable if a claim was made.

Thankfully, there is a simple way to deal with it. 

  • Mop the area in case of stick residue ensure no excess water is left
  • If you can dry it, do so 
  • Place a ‘caution, wet floor’ sign immediately before the wet area, to ensure everyone can see and is warned fairly
  • Once the area has dried, remove the sign

As you can see, simple!

Have you ever encountered an issue as a result of a wet floor?

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