Smart Office Reception Ideas

Published on 18/04/2018

At its very core, what is the reception area for?

It is for greeting visitors, clients, delegates, and staff members. It is a waiting area. Put simply, the reception area is where first impressions are formed, and we all know the major importance of first impressions, no matter what walk of life we’re referring to.

In order to make the best first impression on existing customers, prospective customers, and anyone else who happens to wander into your workplace, your reception area needs to be top-notch, with no excuses accepted. A shoddy, uncomfortable, unprofessional, and unmanned reception area is not the first impression you want to cast on anyone.

For this reason, businesses are putting more and more emphasis on creating a smart office reception area for customers, guests, and staff members. Top quality reception desks, which are always kept clean, tidy, and are large enough for all functions, reception chairs which are comfortable, clean, and match the decor of the space. These are two basics when it comes to creating a smart office reception area, one which is going to impress, reassure, and show your company in the right light.

To sum it up in basic terms, a reception area needs to:

  • Show the character of the company and reflect its values and feel – It’s no good having a reception area that is cold and sterile, if you are a company who is selling toys for children. Similarly, it’s no good having a bright and colourful reception area if you are a company dealing with something a little more sombre and sensitive. Everything needs to balance and show who you are.
  • Be a comfortable space to wait in – Reception areas aren’t just for greeting people who then quickly move to another room, it’s also a waiting area. For that reason, you need to find office chairs and other office furniture which make the room comfortable for people who are sat waiting. You can offer them tea, coffee, water, and juice too.
  • Show confidence and instil confidence too – this is about the office furniture design and the decor of the space. The reception area needs show a strong sense of personality, but it also needs to make the person in that room feel confident in what you are offering them.
  • Be tidy and efficient at all times – The space needs to be clean, tidy, and not to have dust everywhere or magazines on the floor. Cleanliness looks efficient, professional, and gives the right impression.
  • Be manned at all times – You should always have a member of staff at the reception desk at all times. If someone comes into the reception and there is no one there, they are going to get the wrong impression that you don’t care about your work practices! Have a rota for breaks and lunch, so that there is always someone there during working hours.

There are several different types of reception and office desks to look into, so let’s explore some of the most popular options.

Curved Reception Desks – ideal for the creative and kooky type:

A curved reception desk looks sleek, sophisticated, and modern. This is deal for a large space, as it will take up a little more room than a standard straight desk.


  • The modern and sleek style looks super-impressive to visitors
  • There is a large amount of space, so your desk will never look cluttered
  • The curve offers a certain amount of barrier space between you and the guests in the office, giving you privacy and security


  • Glass-style curved desks are very fashionable but are very hard to keep clean and will require a lot of cleaning time
  • Can be more expensive
  • Will require more space

Straight Reception Desks – ideal for the classy and sophisticated type:

A straight reception desk is the traditional way of the reception area, and gives that air of confidence and efficiency to a reception space. You can also easily fit a straight desk into any sized room.


  • Will fit into any space without issues
  • Looks professional, traditional, and efficient
  • Can easily be kept clean


  • Receptionists may feel a little ‘exposed’ in a large reception area because there are no sides to a straight reception desk
  • It is easy for papers and documents to fall off the edges of a straight desk, so it needs to be kept extra-tidy

L-Shaped Reception Desks – ideal for the rebellious and innovative type:

L-shaped reception desks are a great slice of middle ground between a straight desk and a cube option. You have a full barrier to one side of the receptionist, but a straight edge to the other side, offering a modern twist on an old theme.


  • Looks modern and sleek
  • These types of desk are quite large, so they are ideal for big rooms and those who need more space
  • Plenty of work space  - you can use the computer at one side and have a flat workspace at the other


  • Will take up a large amount of space in a room
  • Can be more expensive
  • The risk to stay at one end of the desk, e.g. the corner end, can mean that anyone coming into the room behind you, e.g. the straight edge, could be accidentally ignored

Cube Reception Desks – ideal for the introverted and efficient type:

A cube reception desk offers a safe space for receptionists, as they are enclosed on all side (apart from the back). There is also working space to both sides and the front.


  • Offers an enclosed, confidential and private workspace
  • The barrier between the receptionist and the visitor is full, which gives an air of safety
  • Working space to either side, and at the front
  • Can be a large cube or a smaller one, depending on how much space you have


  • Despite the extra working space, these types of desk can be compact and make the receptionist feel penned in. For that reason, going for a larger cube is ideal
  • The enclosed feel can give an air of unavailability, so perhaps go for a lower cube desk, so that the receptionist can easily see the visitor without extra barriers

Final thoughts:

Within each of these types of reception desk, there are several different designs and styles. For that reason, it’s a good idea to shop around and find the ideal type of design for your particular space. Remember, your reception desk is the place where first impressions are born!

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