What is The Correct Email Etiquette?

Published on 17/11/2019


We tend to send most of our written communication via email these days. Gone are the days when you would type a letter or even handwrite it, and then send it via the postal system!

The fact that you’re sending a message via email, e.g. an electronic method, doesn’t mean you should forget about general etiquette. It can be easy to assume that email is just like texting but you’re not always going to be messaging a person that you know well enough to be casual with in terms of your language. 

It’s important to understand the ins and outs of email etiquette so that you don’t accidentally offend someone or cause the wrong impression. Remember, any type of communication sent from your business is a reflection upon the work the entire business does. 

If an email you send to a customer is shoddy or shows a lack of care, they’re going to assume that the rest of the work you do, and the products and services you provide as a business, are going to be equally as lacking in care. It doesn’t matter whether they see you have all manner of trendy office furniture or not, if they receive a message which doesn’t please them, they may consider not doing business with you again. 

Check out this infographic which simplifies the whole email etiquette subject.

Source - https://www.lifewire.com/fundamental-email-etiquette-1171187

If you Google ‘email etiquette’ you’ll find all manner of rules and regulations you’re supposed to follow, but it really doesn’t need to be as complicated as that. It simply comes down to being polite, avoiding slang or shortened language, and maintaining a professional attitude at all times. 

It goes without saying that you should avoid capital letters at all times, other than natural capitals at the start of a sentence or for names. If you WRITE SOMETHING ALL IN CAPITALS, just like that, you’re basically shouting at that person! You might think you’re just emphasising something, almost the same as bolding it, but it’s a common agreement that all capitals mean shouting. Nobody likes being shouted at!

You should also avoid text speak at all costs. You’re not sat at your office desks speaking to your friend via text message here, you’re sending a piece of written communication on behalf of the business. Emails might be easy to send and far quicker than typing a letter, but they’re still a very important form of written communication, and you need to use the same approach if you want the same results. 

Organising Your Emails 

Of course, being organised is key, as this will help you to stay on track and ensure that you don’t miss anything. When you receive a written letter in your hand, it’s easy to turn your attention to it because you’re actually holding it, however when you receive an email, it’s simply a thought or a message you can easily click away from. For that reason, emails are very easy to accidentally forget about. 

Decluttering your inbox and streamlining everything into specific folders is a good idea. You should also avoid checking your emails too often, as this can cause you to become overwhelmed. Instead, check your emails three times per day, once in the morning, once after lunch, and once before you leave. When you do this, reply to any messages you can straightaway, and list down the ones you need to reply to later, perhaps if you need a little extra information beforehand.  

By organising your email communication and focusing on specific times to deal with it at your office workstations you’ll find that your approach is more concentrated and professional as a result. 

Remember, an email isn’t the same as receiving a message on social media or a text message on your phone, it’s a form of business communication, simply electronic rather than paper-based. 

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