Harmonising Office Design with Feng Shui Principles

Published on 10/04/2024

Feng Shui at work

In the bustling world of business, creating an office environment that not only meets the needs of your team but also fosters creativity, productivity, and a sense of well-being is paramount. Calibre Furniture, a leading supplier of office furniture in the UK, understands this importance and is dedicated to helping businesses create inspiring workspaces that align with Feng Shui principles.

This blog post will explore the significance of natural light, the power of plants, the impact of colour choices, the importance of a clean and organised workspace, the wisdom of desk positioning, and how to incorporate Feng Shui principles into office furniture design.

The Role of Natural Light in Office Design

Natural light is a vital component of any office design. It not only brightens the space but also has a profound impact on mood and productivity. Here are some tips to maximise the benefits of natural light:

  1. Position windows wisely: Ensure windows are placed to allow for maximum light during the day. This can significantly improve the ambiance of the office.
  2. Control light levels: Use blinds or curtains to manage light levels, ensuring they are not too harsh or too dim.
  3. Consider office orientation: The orientation of your office can greatly affect the amount of natural light it receives. Positioning your office to face the sun can enhance the benefits of natural light.

The Power of Plants in Office Spaces

Plants are not just decorative; they have a significant role in creating a healthier and more inviting office environment. Here are some strategies to incorporate plants into your office:

  1. Choose low-maintenance plants: Opt for plants that require minimal care, such as succulents or air plants, to ensure they thrive in your office.
  2. Select appropriate sizes: The size of the plants should be suitable for your office space. Too large plants can dominate the room, while too small ones may not be noticeable.
  3. Regular maintenance: Water and care for your plants regularly to keep them healthy and vibrant.

Choosing the Right Colours for Your Office

Colour plays a pivotal role in setting the mood and productivity levels in an office. Here are some tips for selecting the right colours:

  1. Consider the energy you want to create: Different colours can evoke different emotions and energies. Choose colours that align with the mood you wish to foster in your office.
  2. Align with your brand identity: The colours of your office furniture and decor should complement your brand's visual identity. For instance, opting for bespoke furniture in your luxury office can enhance your brand's image.
  3. Test before commitment: Try out different colours in your office to see how they affect your mood and productivity. This can be particularly useful when selecting office chairs or executive desks that are part of your workspace.

Creating a Clean and Organised Workspace

A clean and organised workspace is essential for maintaining focus and productivity. Here are some tips to achieve this:

  1. Regular decluttering: Periodically declutter your workspace to remove unnecessary items and keep it tidy.
  2. Versatile storage solutions: Implement storage solutions like shelves or cabinets to keep your desk tidy and your workspace uncluttered.
  3. Implement a filing system: A systematic approach to filing documents can significantly reduce clutter and improve organisation.

Positioning Your Desk Wisely

The position of your desk can have a significant impact on your work habits and productivity. Here are some tips for positioning your desk:

  1. Avoid direct line of sight with the door: Positioning your desk so that it is not directly in line with the door can help avoid blocking the flow of positive energy.
  2. Consider the office layout: The layout of your office can influence the best position for your desk. Ensure it is in a central location that is easily accessible.
  3. Use furniture to create a barrier: If necessary, use furniture to create a barrier between your desk and the door to maintain the optimal positioning.

Incorporating Feng Shui Principles into Office Furniture Design

Feng Shui principles can enhance the functionality and aesthetics of office furniture, creating a more harmonious and productive workspace. Here are some tips for incorporating Feng Shui principles:

  1. Consider the flow of energy: The design and placement of your office furniture should promote positive energy flow.
  2. Use materials and colours that align with Feng Shui: Choose materials and colours that are in harmony with Feng Shui principles.
  3. Incorporate elements like water features or plants: These elements can enhance the Feng Shui qualities of your office furniture.


Creating an office that not only meets the needs of your team but also fosters creativity, productivity, and a sense of well-being is paramount. By utilising the power of natural light, the calming effect of plants, the influence of colour choices, the significance of a tidy and organised workspace, the insightfulness of desk positioning, and the principles of Feng Shui, you can craft a workspace that truly boosts your team's performance and well-being.

So, why not take the leap and transform your office into a space that not only meets but exceeds your expectations? Reach out to us at Calibre Furniture, where we specialise in bespoke furniture, office chairs, glass desks, and luxury office solutions. Let's embark on this journey together to create a workspace that is not just functional but also a source of inspiration and productivity.


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