Are Shared Offices a Way Forward?

Published on 04/03/2019

Shared Office

How do you feel about shared offices? If you’re not sure what these are, it’s basically a large office space which will contain more than one company within it. You’re sharing an office, in order to cut down on the cost of rent and furniture, but you’re not one and the same. If you’re watching what is the traditional office these days, the answer is far more unclear than ever before. 

Many businesses find that these types of offices are super-productive, just as home offices can be productive, and that they also cut very important costs too, such as not having to purchase specific meeting room furniture – you’ll usually share that too. 

The PRO's of a shared office are:

  • Less costs, because you share rent and overheads
  • A collaborative and vibrant atmosphere
  • Networking opportunities
  • You’re not tied to the office, you can leave once your contract or lease is up
  • Ideal for start-ups

The CON's of a shared office are:

  • Lack of privacy and risk of confidential information being shared
  • Can be difficult to find a quiet space
  • Lack of identity, and you might be less inclined to buy quality modern office desks or other furniture, which could increase productivity
  • Higher risk of personality clashes with other company personnel

For a start-up business, a shared office is actually a great way to save cash, but for a larger, established business, this might not be the best way forward. It’s really about what fits your business best. 


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