Finishing Touches to Set Off Your New Office Design

Published on 29/04/2019

Office plants

You’ve just planned and executed a new office revamp and your space is looking shiny and new. Whilst you have all the latest cool office furniture in place, and you have probably looked to be more sustainable, whilst maximising natural light, something is still missing. 

This is a common case, but it’s on which can easily be remedied with a few very small finishing touches.

The touches you go for completely depend upon the type of design you have opted for in the first place. For instance, if you have gone for a biophilic design, a few finishing touches could be a small water feature in the corner, or possibly some carefully placed pieces of natural artwork on the walls. It’s important to make sure that whatever touches you go for, that they compliment the overall feel of the space. 

If you’ve revamped your boardroom, you’ll want to cut down on training wires, and you won’t want to add extra bulk to the space. In this case, look towards minimalism, and perhaps furniture such as a boardroom table with cable management – no more wires! 

A pop of colour here and there, making sure you’re not obscuring windows and light, small plants on flat surfaces, and perhaps a theme in-keeping piece of art on the walls. These are all small touches which go a long way to really finishing off your new revamp, and whether you’ve gone for classic desks or something more modern, ensuring that these remain clutter free will also do a lot for the appearance of the space. 

What finishing touches do you have in your office?


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