Fun Ways of Celebrating Halloween At Work

Published on 31/10/2017

The Halloween season is upon us and it’s that time of year again when you can let your imaginative, quirky, and creative side come out at work and still completely get away with it. Are you unsure on where to begin on the office Halloween craze? Don’t fear, Calibre are here to help you out on this one! After all, it is all about creating a witty and exciting work environment in the modern workplace and this is definitely one way of doing so.

Let’s get brainstorming on how this Halloween can be one of your best yet at your workplace.

Halloween office idea 1: jump on the Halloween fancy dress bandwagon

Giving your colleagues the green light to dress up in funky and jaw dropping Halloween outfits is definitely a great way to get into the Halloween spirit this year at work. Perhaps it might be a good idea to run a contest on the ‘best Halloween outfit of 2017’ or the ‘best dressed department of 2017'. It’s entirely up to you on how enjoyable you want to make your office space on Halloween this year.

Halloween office idea 2: incorporate Halloween decorations in your office space

It’s not just about dressing yourself up that can help you look the part on Halloween it’s also about accessorising your workplace in the most spookiest way in order for you to get the real feel of Halloween at work. Some Halloween decoration ideas include hanging some bright orange tinsel on the office chairs and/or adding some typical Halloween décor such as ghostly lanterns and cobweb coasters on everyone's office desks.

There is no wrong or right way of how you decorate your office furniture items such as the reception desk or the breakout booths. The way you should look at it is that Halloween only comes once a year so might as well enjoy it to the maximum, while we can.

Halloween office idea 3: Treat your staff to some Halloween snacks

Do pumpkin pies, coffee cakes or muffins ring any bells to you? If not, then get preparing as these often go down a treat for staff members. An all-day food fest at work for breakfast and lunch sounds about right for Halloween. Bring in your treats to share with everyone; it will all be worth it!   

Halloween office idea 4: Throw a Halloween party and shout about it on social media

In addition to the Halloween ideas listed above throwing a Halloween party would probably be the most difficult to organise but one which is likely to create the biggest positive impact. There will no doubt be a great deal of preparations involved when arranging a Halloween party but if most employees in the company contribute it wouldn’t be such a challenging task.  


It’s fair to say that Halloween gives many businesses a great excuse to jazz up their office in the most quirkiest way possible and still not be perceived negatively by any visiting clients or any other business professionals. Most of all, it adds a great deal of fun and excitement at your workplace, which would be highly appreciated by your workforce, preventing possible burnout.

Here’s a question for all our daring readers today: trick or treat?

Happy Halloween Everyone!

Have fun!

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