How To Optimise Your Home Study Space

Published on 14/11/2017

A piping hot mug of coffee beside your monitor. A touch of music floating softly from your speakers. Working from home can be rather nice - cosy, peaceful and familiar. But is it productive?

Whilst taking calls 

and completing tasks from the comfort of your own home can be a nice change of pace, it can potentially put you back a few hours if your workspace isn’t optimised for output.

If you operate from home frequently or full-time, creating the right environment is crucial. Wondering where to start? Here, we reveal the secrets behind a great home study space.

Take a look at the light

Studies have shown that artificial light wears us out, whilst natural light keeps us awake and feeling full of energy. Diverting our attention away from computers completely may not be an option, but you can ease the effects by maximising natural light in the room.

Open curtains, clear window sills of obstructions, and prop up mirrors so that any incoming natural light is reflected around the room. For those nights when you’re burning the midnight oil, be sure to invest in quality LED bulbs that offer ample illumination.

Open up some space

If you find yourself tidying up instead of punching keys whilst working from home, take some solace in the fact that it is by far the least troubling mode of procrastination. On the contrary, decluttering is actually key to productivity.

The neater your workspace – and surrounding environment – is, the better you’ll be able to concentrate, and the higher your output as a result.

An investment in fitted home study furniture is always worth consideration in this respect. It may also be worth allocating a specific area solely for brainstorming. You’ll spend lots of time in your chair too – so make sure it’s a quality model with flexibility to offer extensive leg room. In our opinion, comfortable office chairs are a must if you want to avoid any long-term health problems so make sure you keep an eye out on this.

Arrange the aesthetics

Consider the power of colour when you come to redecorate your home study: blue for concentration, yellow for creativity and green for going easy on the eyes. Smartly chosen shades can help you get things done faster, but it’s also beneficial to build an environment that takes your own personality into account.

For example, hang up pictures that you find mentally stimulating, and set up the space according to your preferences. Some like to work at a conventional desk with their legs tucked below, whereas others prefer something open plan (such as a standing office desk) where they can flex their limbs and move about.

There’s no right answer – it’s all about what helps you work best.

You can pick up some high-end office furniture right here at Calibre, and the team over at Hartleys can offer you additional help when it comes to fitted home study furniture. With bespoke solutions and design support, they have all the resources you need to get started.


About Author:

Guest blog kindly provided by Sara Haggas of Hartleys. Hartleys design, manufacture and install fitted furniture for bedrooms, home studies, multipurpose rooms and other living spaces.

Many thanks to Calibre Office Furniture for allowing us the chance to feature on their superb blog.

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