How to Tell if You’re Feeling Stressed

Published on 18/03/2019


We live busy and frantic lives these days, so it is any wonder that stress is on the rise? We’re expected to juggle ten balls in the air at any one time, and be the best of the best on a constant basis. All this pressure can be overwhelming and extremely damaging to health. There’s a very good reason why many businesses are starting to implement breakout furniture into their space. These breakout spaces allow people a little time out

To highlight the severity of the problem, according to Mental Health, 32% of adults admitted to having suicidal feelings as a result of stress. That’s a terrible statistic to consider. The other worrying this is that many people deal with a high amount of stress on a regular basis and it almost becomes normal to them, not realising that they’re actually putting their health at risk. 

Check out this video for more information on the symptoms of stress, and the condition in general. 

If you always feel like nothing you do is good enough, you’re overwhelmed, you experience a racing heart, headaches, you’re constantly irritable, and you’re having trouble sleeping, stress could be the reason. 

Speak to your manager and talk about how you’re feeling, considering whether there are any other office seating arrangements you can put into place, to help give you space to deal with your work on a daily basis. Perhaps office screens could help you gain some privacy and space too. 

Do you have any useful tips for managing stress? 


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