Maximising Productivity: The Role of Acoustic Design in Modern Open Offices

Published on 25/03/2024

Acoustic design

Imagine stepping into an office where every sound, from the clickety-clack of keyboards to the distant murmur of conversations, harmonises to create a symphony of productivity. This isn't a far-fetched dream but a tangible reality with the right acoustic design. Open offices, celebrated for their collaborative spirit, often grapple with the challenge of noise. Yet, with strategic design and the right office furniture, these spaces can transform into bastions of focus and creativity. Calibre Furniture, at the forefront of crafting bespoke furniture solutions, stands ready to guide businesses through this transformation.

The Challenge of Noise in Open Office Layouts

  1. Noise: The unseen disruptor
    In open offices, noise travels unimpeded, turning into an invisible barrier to concentration. Calibre's range of office screens and space dividers offers an effective shield, dampening noise and creating quieter zones without sacrificing the open office's ethos.
  2. Balancing collaboration with quiet workspaces
    The essence of an open office lies in fostering collaboration. However, this shouldn't come at the cost of individual workspaces where deep focus is achievable. Through the strategic placement of breakout furniture and breakout areas, Calibre ensures that employees have access to both collaborative and quiet workspaces, tailored to their momentary needs.

How Calibre Furniture Solutions Enhance Focus and Efficiency

  1. Space dividers: Crafting zones of silence
    Space dividers are not merely functional; they're a statement of style and purpose. Calibre's range, from sleek glass desks to modular partitions, serves to delineate workspaces, enabling employees to engage in focused work without feeling isolated.
  2. Acoustic pods: The sanctuary for concentration
    For tasks that demand utmost concentration or confidentiality, acoustic pods present a perfect solution. These standalone units, equipped with comfortable office chairs and executive office desks, offer a retreat within the bustling office environment.
  3. Ergonomic office chairs: Supporting productivity
    Comfort plays a crucial role in maintaining focus. Calibre's ergonomic office chairs, designed with precision for prolonged use, ensure that employees remain comfortable and, by extension, more productive throughout their workday.
  4. Executive desks: Command centres for efficiency
    An executive desk isn't just a piece of furniture; it's a command centre. Calibre's executive desks, combining aesthetics with functionality, provide ample space and storage, ensuring that everything an employee needs is within easy reach.

A Step-by-Step Guide to Designing an Acoustically Balanced Open Office

  1. Assess current acoustic challenges
    Begin by evaluating existing noise levels and sources of disruption within your workspace. This initial step aids in identifying critical areas that require acoustic attention, allowing for a targeted approach in the subsequent design process.
  2. Define zones for collaboration and concentration
    Delineate areas dedicated to teamwork from those meant for solitary tasks. Utilising breakout furniture to create a breakout area can foster collaboration, while quiet zones with workstation desks can serve as havens for concentration.
  3. Select products aligned with acoustic needs
    Choose from Calibre's extensive range of office furniture, designed to reduce noise. Options include modular office screens and soft furnishings that absorb sound, contributing to a serene office atmosphere.
  4. Plan layout to maximise natural sound absorption
    Arrange furniture and office elements in a manner that leverages natural sound absorption qualities. Positioning plush sofas or waiting chairs in strategic locations can help to muffle sound.
  5. Incorporate acoustic panels and dividers
    Install these elements to manage sound travel. Acoustic panels on walls or ceilings and freestanding dividers can break up sound waves, reducing overall noise levels.
  6. Choose furnishings that complement acoustic design
    Opt for pieces that offer both aesthetic appeal and sound-dampening properties. For instance, high-backed sofas and partitioned workstation desks can double as sound barriers.
  7. Implement sound masking systems
    In areas where privacy is paramount, such as near a reception desk or conference table, consider sound masking systems that emit subtle, ambient noise to mask conversations.
  8. Test office acoustics
    After implementing changes, conduct tests to gauge the effectiveness of new acoustic designs. Adjustments may be necessary to achieve the desired sound environment.
  9. Train employees on best practices
    Educate staff on maintaining a sound-balanced environment, such as using meeting tables for collaborative discussions rather than open areas.
  10. Evaluate and improve acoustic design continuously
    Regularly reassess the office's acoustic needs and refine the design. This ensures the workspace remains conducive to productivity as business needs evolve.

The Benefits of Investing in Quality Acoustic Design for Your Business

  1. Enhanced employee focus and productivity
    A well-designed acoustic environment minimises distractions, leading to heightened concentration and output from employees.
  2. Reduced stress and fatigue
    By diminishing noise pollution, a serene workspace reduces stress and prevents the fatigue that often accompanies a noisy office.
  3. Improved speech privacy
    Acoustic design can safeguard confidential discussions, crucial in areas like boardroom tables during sensitive office meetings.
  4. Increased employee satisfaction and retention
    A comfortable acoustic environment contributes to overall job satisfaction, which can reduce turnover rates.
  5. Professional and aesthetically pleasing office environment
    A thoughtfully designed space not only functions well but also reflects positively on your company's brand.
  6. Better client impressions
    Clients visiting a well-designed office space are likely to have a favourable impression of your business operations.
  7. Long-term cost savings
    Investing in a sound acoustic design can preclude the need for future costly redesigns due to unsatisfactory work environments.
  8. Flexibility for future workspace needs
    A good acoustic design incorporates elements like modular boardroom tables and space furniture, allowing for easy reconfiguration as needs change.
  9. Strengthened brand image
    A luxury office that prioritises employee well-being can enhance your reputation as a forward-thinking employer.
  10. Positive impact on overall business performance
    A well-designed acoustic environment can lead to improved business outcomes through enhanced employee performance and client relations.

Transforming Open Offices with Calibre Furniture: A Guide to Acoustic Solutions

  1. Identify specific acoustic challenges
    Pinpoint particular areas within your open office that suffer from acoustic issues to address them with precision.
  2. Explore Calibre's range of acoustic solutions
    Delve into the variety of products such as pods and booths that Calibre offers to mitigate noise effectively.
  3. Integration of modular boardroom tables
    Utilise versatile boardroom tables that can be reconfigured for various uses while contributing to sound management.
  4. Utilise stand height tables and reception desks
    Incorporate these pieces to create dynamic areas that cater to both functionality and noise control.
  5. Implement space dividers and office screens
    Use these to manage sound travel instantly and effectively, providing immediate relief from noise.
  6. Select multi-functional furniture
    Choose pieces that offer utility and acoustic benefits, such as storage walls that double as sound barriers.
  7. Incorporate Mobile Meeting Boards
    Use these for adaptable collaboration spaces that can be moved to where they are most needed.
  8. Enhance privacy with height adjustable desks
    These desks allow for personal space customization, contributing to sound control and privacy.
  9. Opt for storage walls and multi-purpose chairs
    These elements maximise space utility while also serving acoustic functions.
  10. Leverage Calibre's expertise in space planning
    Take advantage of Calibre's experience to achieve an optimal acoustic design tailored to your specific office needs.


In the quest for creating an acoustically balanced open office, the journey intertwines with strategic design and the selection of the right office furniture. Calibre Furniture stands as your ally, offering a plethora of solutions from executive desks to acoustic pods, all designed to foster a productive, stress-free, and aesthetically pleasing workspace. Embrace the transformation that Calibre can bring to your office environment, where every piece of furniture isn't just a tool for work but a step towards an enhanced work experience. Ready to elevate your office space? Reach out to Calibre Furniture today and discover how we can tailor our solutions to meet your unique needs, crafting a workspace that resonates with efficiency, comfort, and style.


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