What is CAD And How Can it Help With Office Design?

Published on 18/03/2019

Office design with CAD

Technology is certainly taking over the world, and when it comes to designing a quality office and figuring out where to put all that office furniture on offer, CAD is certainly a hugely helpful tool. 

CAD is Computer Aided Design, and in terms of how to refurbish and design spaces (indoor and outdoor), it is a 3D tool which is used constantly. Rather than simple guess work, e.g. ‘hmm, will those contemporary office desks fit in that space?’, CAD software allows office designers, architects, engineers, and structural designers to design, draft and know for sure what is going to fit where, how space can be utilised best, and saves costs as a result. 

For a deeper explanation of CAD, check out this video 

CAD is particularly useful for large office spaces, and can help businesses to decide on the types of modern office systems they might be able to implement along the way. All of this has a direct link on morale and productivity, because an office which is designed in the most optimal of ways is always going to be a far more pleasant place to work!

Using this type of software can also help with the planning of areas further than the main office space, such as the canteen, reception area, lobby etc. This means you can find the best types of modern lobby furniture to fit into your specific area, and ensure the correct use of floor space. 

AutoCAD was first released in December 1982. Technology has certainly advanced over the last few decades! 

Life before AutoCAD

Life before CAD

This image was taken in 80's in Boeing. Engineers designing aircraft wings on paper.


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