Why Ambiverts Are The Ultimate Flexible Employee

Published on 01/04/2019

Ambiverts are flexible employee

We’ve all heard the terms ‘introvert’ and ‘extrovert’, but what about ‘ambivert’? 

Personality types are really fascinating if you take the time to learn about them, and it’s also a good idea to try and identify your particular type too. From a management point of view, identifying personality types can help businesses get more out of their employees. 

If you have ambiverts within your workplace, you’re actually very lucky. Check out this video for a quick recap on what an ambivert actually is. 

As you can see, an ambivert is a mixture of the two, and that basically means you’re getting the best of both worlds. Whilst introverts prefer working alone, using office screens for privacy, and extroverts prefer working in social settings and teams, ambiverts are equally comfortable in either situation. This means you have the ultimate flexible employee! For instance, an ambivert can handle change very well, so if you want to incorporate a new office desking system, you’re unlikely to come up against resistance. 

Ambiverts are also fantastic listeners and quality communicators, they can regulate their responses depending upon the situation, and they provide much-needed balance within the workplace, especially if there are tricky office politics situations going on. If you have an area with breakout furniture, which is designed for quiet time or collaboration, an ambivert will have no problem switching between the two modes whilst in that zone. 

Put simply, ambiverts offer flexibility, grounding, and positivity to your workplace. 

Do you consider yourself an ambivert?

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