Are You a Slave to Your To Do List?

Published on 28/05/2019

To Do List

There’s no denying the fact that making lists helps to clear your mind and focus on the job at hand. Some people hate making lists, finding it a rigid way of living life, whilst others adore list-making, ticking off items as they’re completed, whilst sat at their office desk

To do lists can be a great motivational tool, as well as helping you to stay on target and not procrastinate. You do however need to make sure that you know the line between to do list efficiency and to do list obsession!

There are many ways to be productive and organised within an office, from having the best modern office shelving to hold all your important documents, to finding the best productivity app to help you in your daily work. It’s really about finding what works for you. A to do list should tick the following boxes:

•    Be prioritised in order of importance 
•    Be flexible, as new tasks can and will come in throughout the day
•    Allow you time for breaks
•    Realistic and not attempting to fit too much into one day
•    Motivational, i.e. it should push you to work that little bit harder

Many people choose digital to do lists, e.g. on a phone or tablet, whilst others like the old fashioned pen and paper route; whatever works for you! 

A realistic to do list can help you get far more done in your day, whether you’re taking around the meeting room seating, or working at your desk

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