Is Going Paperless a Reality or a Fantasy?

Published on 19/02/2019

Paperless Office Work

How long have we been hearing about the paperless office? I can remember hearing about this for the first time when I was 18 and I was fresh out of college, into my first office job, and sat at my office desk, surrounded by paper. I’m 36 now and we’re still not there!

Many people think that the paperless office really is nothing more than a pie in the sky idea, but when you really think about what it means, it is possible. We’re close enough thanks to digital storage methods, e.g. Cloud storage, so surely it’s just about taking one brave leap forwards?

Most businesses have cut down on the amount of paper they have in their space, but haven’t got rid of it completely. The thing is, going paperless could actually increase overall productivity in a workplace. Less paper means less things to potentially lose, less mistakes to be made, and an easier route to finding what you need. Where is the downside in that?

Perhaps it’s really about baby steps, as this video shows.

If we do manage to hit that magic paper-free status in the future, our offices will be sleek, modern, and super-productive. Piled high in-trays will no longer be sat on our office desks, and our chairs won’t be hidden by box files stacked at the side of us. The office will be safer, cleaner, and more effective. 

Whether we actually live to see the day that paperless finally happens or not, we can’t help but dream!

What do you think? Do you think we will live to see the day?


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