Why is Office Design Important For Morale?

Published on 27/02/2021


When you think about how your office is designed, do you assume it to be high quality, adequate, or poor?

The design of your office has an impact on far more than you might first think, including how your employees feel as they sit at their office desks on a daily basis and get their work done. 

When an office looks the part, has plenty of space to move around, and it’s functional in terms of the work that needs to be done, employee morale is likely to be far higher. However, when an office is dark, uninspiring, cramped, and things are always breaking, don’t be surprised if your employees seem fed up a lot of the time!

Morale is so vitally important for businesses. This isn’t just about making your employees happy because it’s a nice thing to do, it’s about getting work done, hitting targets, and increasing profits too. You have to look at morale from both sides and see the major benefits for all. 

If you’re keen to find out how to boost morale in your office, check out this infographic for some ideas.

Source - https://www.digitalhrtech.com/ways-improve-employee-morale-infographic/

Your office design is a pretty easy thing to fix, and it will bring more benefits than increasing morale. Whenever a visitor enters your space, they will quickly scan your office and they’ll figure out how they feel about it. This is the first impression they’re making of you as a business and if it’s positive, that’s great; if it’s negative, it’s pretty hard to rectify. 

Working in ways to be environmentally aware is a good start, as well as increasing the number of natural elements in your space too. We’re talking about fresh air, natural light, and perhaps some office plants dotted around, here and there. 

If your office is small, there isn’t a huge amount you can do about the size, but you can work in some clever tricks to make the space seem larger, and therefore make it feel more spacious and enjoyable to work in. Natural light will help you with this, but also opting for light colours and maybe glass office desks to reflect the light a little more.

Your office design is very important and not just because it looks good. How an office feels has a huge impact on how an employee feels. When employees aren’t loving their space, they’re likely to feel stuck or uninspired. However, when the opposite situation is true, productivity starts to rise pretty quickly, in line with profits.

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