Why Should You Encourage Car Sharing?

Published on 04/03/2019

Encourage car sharing

We all know that we need to do our bit for the environment, but have you ever stopped to think that the freedom of owning a car and driving to work every day could actually be damaging the planet?

Check out this video to learn about the effect of cars on the environment. 

Now, we’re not suggesting that you walk or cycle to work every single day, especially if you live a distance away, but there is another suggestion – car sharing. By sharing cars, we’re cutting down on the number of vehicles on the road every day. This helps to minimise damage to the environment, and it helps with traffic problems too!

As a business, encouraging car sharing is a great idea and can be used as a key modern office system. You can use this to boost morale and encourage friendships between employees, whilst also doing your bit for the environment. If you want to take it a step further, you could encourage walking clubs too – healthy workers are far more productive!

Thinking about recycling furniture and perhaps using second-hand booth seating rather than new is another consideration, and being mindful of the materials your office furnishings are made from. Being more environmentally friendly is something we should all be doing, but by focusing on this as a business, you’re showing your employees that you’re a caring, sharing kind of bunch – this is great for morale once more! 

Does your organisation have a car sharing arrangement in place? 

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