Office Acoustics – What’s The Deal?

Published on 04/03/2019

Office Acoustics

Large open plan offices, and even large contemporary office spaces with several people working with them, can be very noisy from time to time. Even if you do your best to keep the chatter down, the area can still be distracting if you’re trying to do quiet work.
The answer? Office acoustic panels!

These rather ingenious wall panels help to absorb sound and create a far more harmonious atmosphere. Noise from speech and general work can easily bounce off hard surfaces and reverberate around the room. If you have zones, e.g. quiet zones with large executive desks for close work, and collaborative areas, these acoustic panels can be a real saving grace and allow productivity to rise, rather than decrease drastically. Another possible benefit is privacy, because when voices aren’t carried around the room, confidentiality isn’t so much of an issue. 

Check out this video for a more visual take on how acoustic panels work. 

These acoustic panels can really look the part alongside luxury office desks too, as they are available in various different colours and designs (e.g. wall mounted, ceiling mounted, free-standing panels). If you can arrange your office desks in a smart way, you can also increase productivity at ground level too. 

Acoustic panels are a great addition to any office, that’s a truth. Have you tried them before? 

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